2015/11/20 20:19
2015/11/21 08:38
- At the beginning of the month/ In the early part of the month/Around early December
- The middle of the month/ Around mid-December
- Toward the end of the month/ Around late December
MonthをWeekやYearに変えれば「週の上旬、中旬、下旬」等になります。ちなみにThe first half of Decemberなら12月の[前半](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/42642/)The second half of Decemberなら12月の[後半](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/45426/)例:I am going to Japan around early December.12月初旬くらいに日本に行きます。<ボキャブラリー>month = 月week = 週year = 年beginning = 最初middle = 真ん中end = 最後関連した英語表現については、こちらのブログ記事をご覧ください:[アメリカ式とイギリス式で微妙に違う。英語の正しい日付の書き方・読み方をおさらい](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/blog/learning-english/expressions/english-date/)
2017/05/31 16:13
- early
- mid
- late
こんにちは。上旬→early中旬→mid下旬→lateと表現することができます。例えば、[6月](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/44584/)なら:6月上旬→early June6月中旬→mid June6月下旬→late June例:We are planning to go to the beach in late June. Do you want to come?6月下旬に[ビーチ](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/65656/)行こうってなってるんだ。君も来る?ぜひ参考にしてください。
2017/05/31 14:33
- At the beginning of the month
- In the middle of the month
- At the end of the month
後藤さんと同じく、月を週や年に変えても使えます。下旬 - At the beginning of the month/early ___中旬 - In the middle of the month/mid ____下旬 - At the end of the month/late ___Example: "I'll be free at the end of this month so let's meet then" (下旬暇なのでその時に会いましょう)
2017/05/31 19:47
- Early/the beginning
- Mid/middle
- End of/ late
(1st-10th) can be described as. "Early May" or "The beginning of May."(11th-20th) can be described as. "Mid May" or 'The middle of May."(21st-31st) can be described as. "Late May" or "The end of May"
"1日から10日まではEarly May又はThe beginning of Mayと言います。 11日から20日まではMid May又はThe middle of Mayと言います。 21日から31日まではLate May又はThe end of Mayと言います。"
DMM英会話講師 Jody R(ジョディ)
2017/07/23 08:04
- The beginning of the month
- The middle of the month
- The end of the month
A "When would you like to meet?"B "Well, I was thinking sometime around the middle of the month."A "Sorry, that's no good for me - I'm going on holiday to Spain."B "So when do you get back?"A "I'm back at work on the 25th."B "OK, let's agree to meet at the end of the month. Give me a call when you get back."A "Of course, I'll call you on my return."
A "When would you like to meet?" いつ会いたいですか?B "Well, I was thinking sometime around the middle of the month." 今月の真ん中あたりを考えていたよ。A "Sorry, that's no good for me - I'm going on holiday to Spain." ごめんなさい、ちょっと自分は都合が悪いです。スペインに休暇でいくんです。B "So when do you get back?" いつ戻ってくる予定なの? A "I'm back at work on the 25th." 25ですね。B "OK, let's agree to meet at the end of the month. Give me a call when you get back." じゃあ月末にあうことにしましょう。帰ったら連絡ください。A "Of course, I'll call you on my return."もちろん、帰国したとき連絡しますね。
2017/10/25 23:39
- Early [month]
- Mid-[month]
- Late [month]
Early [month] - first partEarly FebruaryMid-[month] - second partMid-FebruaryLate [month] - last partLate February
Early [month(月)] -上旬Early February(2月上旬)Mid-[month(月)] - 中旬Mid-February(2月中旬)Late [month(月)] - 下旬Late February(2月下旬)
2016/02/22 11:58
- (at/around) the beginning of XX.
- (on/around) the 1st week of XX.
- (on/around) Week -- (to --)
1番目はXX月(月の名前を入れてください。例:March)の始めという意味もあり、人によっては月の4~5日間位までを考えたりする人もいます。2番目はXX月(月の名前を入れてください。例:March)の第一週目頃という意味ですので、1番目より日数的に少し余裕を持たせた感じになりますが、第一週目が土日とかで終わってしまう場合には逆効果です。 その場合は、1番目を使うか、(around) the 1st 7 days of March(3月の始めから7日間くらい)と細かくいう場合もあります。ヨーロッパでは1月の1週目~12月の最終週までをWeek+数(Week Number) で表現する事があります。Week 1(今年の場合は1月1日~1月2日)を始めとし、年の終わりまでWeek+数(年によって変わります。2016年はWeek 52まであります)で表現します。この方法を持ちいて、3番目の 「(on/around) Week 9 to 10」が3月上旬と表現したい場合に使えます。2016年のWeek 9 (2月29日~3月6日)2016年のWeek 10 (3月7日~3月13日)これくらいだと3月上旬になりませんか?(笑)同様に、中旬や下旬もWeek○○で表現する事もあります。
2017/10/25 15:51
- The beginning of the month.
- The middle of the month.
- The end of the month.
The first part of the month (around the 1st - 10th) can be described as the beginning of the month.The second part of the month (around 11th - 20th) can be described as the middle of the month.The end of the month (21st -31st) can be described as the end of the month.
The first part of the month (月初めから10日くらいまで)を "the beginning of the month"と表現します。The second part of the month (11日から20日くらいまで)の事を "the middle of the month"と言います。The end of the month (21日から31日まで)の事を"the end of the month"と言い表します。
2017/10/29 17:21
- The first week or so, of the month
- The first 10 days of the month
- The first/second/third part of the month
*The first week or so, of the month*MEANING= you can use this for the first week of the month*The first 10 days of the month*MEANING= you could change the number to be any amount of days.*The first/second/third part of the month*MEANING= this is another way of saying different parts of the monthIf you split the month into 4 you could say, first week ,second week etc.Most people either count the days/weeks or where you are in the month.*You could also say....**I'll see you in the second week*I'll see you in the last week of this month! *Last time I saw you was the second week of January.
*The first week or so, of the month*意味=月の第1週目と言うときに使います。*The first 10 days of the month*意味=月初めの10日間。日数を変えて表現できます。*The first/second/third part of the month*意味=月初め/月の中頃/月の終わり頃。月を4分割していつ頃か表現したい場合は、第1週目、2週目...と言い表すことができます。大半の人が上記のような表現で大体の時期を表します。*以下のように言う事もでるでしょう...**I'll see you in the second week(月の2週目に会いましょう)*I'll see you in the last week of this month! (今月の最後の週に会いましょう)*Last time I saw you was the second week of January.(最後にあなたに会ったのは1月の2週目でした)
2017/09/17 21:32
- the start
- the middle
- the end
The month can be broken into 3 parts the start, the middle and the end.Although we usually specify a particular date, we can sometimes say at the end of the month for example if were not sure of the exact date.
1ヶ月は、the start, the middle, the endと三つに分けられます。特定の日付を言及するのが普通ですけど、時々、何日かわからない時、月末だとか言ったりしますよね。
DMM英会話講師 Alistair W(アリステア)
2019/03/15 02:55
- At the beginning/middle/end of (month)
- Towards the start of/middle of/end of (month)
At the beginning/middle/end of (month)' shows that something happened specifically at that part of the month. For example, 'at the beginning of July, I turned 27 years old'. You could also use 'start' instead of 'beginning'. You could also say 'Towards the start of/middle of/end of (month), which is a bit more vague about the time of the month. For example, towards the end of July I have an exam.
at the beginning/middle/end of (month)' は、その月の上旬、中旬あるいは下旬にあることが起きたことを表します。例えば:'At the beginning of July, I turned 27 years old'〔7月の上旬に27歳になりました〕'beginning'〔始め〕の代わりに 'start' も使えます。また、'towards the start of/middle of/end of (month)' と言うこともできます。これは時期について少し曖昧です。例えば:'Towards the end of July I have an exam.'(7月の終わり頃に試験があります)
2022/03/31 22:28
- early ...
- mid ...
- late ...
「上旬」の英語表現:early ...the beginning of ...例:I have a test in early February.2月初旬に試験があります。「中旬」の英語表現mid ...the middle of ...例:I'm going to Japan in mid March.3月中旬に日本に行きます。「下旬」の英語表現late ...the end of ...例:Christmas is in late December.クリスマスは12月下旬です。他に「月初」や「月末」は:the first day of the month月の最初の日the first week of the month月の最後の週the last day of the month月の最後の日the last week of the month月の最後の週
2018/12/01 03:19
- The beginning of the month
- The middle of the month
- The end of the month
The beginning/start of the month would refer to approximately 1st to 10th of each month. The middle of the month would refer to the 11th to the 20th of the month. Halfway through the month would refer to around the 14th to 16th of the month. The end of the month would be in respect of the 21st to 28th/29th/30th/31st of the month.
"The beginning/start of the month"は、各月のだいたい1日から10日くらいまでを指します。"The middle of the month"は、11日から20日くらいまでを指します。"Halfway through the month"は、14日から16日ごろを指します。"The end of the month"は、だいたい21日から28/29/30/31日までを指します。
2019/03/10 00:51
- early/the beginning of the month
- mid/the middle of the month
- late/the end of the month
こんにちは。「上旬・中旬・下旬」は・上旬:early/the beginning of the month・中旬:mid/the middle of the month・下旬:late/the end of the monthといいます。(例)・the middle of April:4月中旬・late December:12月下旬参考になれば嬉しいです。
2019/02/24 05:12
- The beginning of the month.
- The middle of the month.
- The end of the month.
So the first phrase would be a good way to say "the beginning of the month" So anything from 1st-10th, The second phrase would be a good way you would say "the middle of the month" So that would be 11th-20th, And lastly phrase three would be the way you would explain "the end of the month" So that would be 21st-31st.
2019/04/11 15:36
- for the start of the month try "early july"
- for the middle of the month try "mid july"
- for the end of the month try "late july"
when referring to a section of the month it will normaly be broken up into three sections. early, middle and late
「月」は通常、"early" "middle" "late" という三つの部分に分けられます。early 上旬middle = 中旬late 下旬
2020/10/31 10:48
- early / mid / late
上旬、中旬、下旬は英語で early / mid / late のように表すことができます。例:I went to the hospital in early June.6月上旬に病院に行きました。He is coming to Japan in mid July.彼は7月中旬に日本に来ます。My birthday is in late August.私の誕生日は8月下旬です。
2022/09/29 17:58
- early
- mid
- late
・early - 上旬・mid - 中旬・late - 下旬それぞれ直訳すると「はやい」「真ん中」「おそい」のような意味になります。例:I'm going to Japan in mid June.私は6月中旬に日本に行きます。ご質問ありがとうございました。また何かございましたらいつでもご質問ください。